Folding Saw
Brand: Near Zero Outdoor Gear
Double action razor tooth folding saw. Includes a high carbon steel blade and soft comfort handle. Excellent tool around the campsite. Offered in both 7-inch and 10-inch length blade.
- 7” or 10" blade Ideal for cutting up to 3-6” diameter branches
- Ergonomically designed molded handle covers blade in folded position
- Easy to latch blade lock prevents injury
- Blade made of high performance Japanese carbon steel for exceptional hardness and durability
- Ideal for cutting small to medium-sized branches
- Razor-toothed curved-blade design for faster and cleaner cuts
Technical Specs:
Best Use | Camping |
Blade Length | 7 inches or 10 inches |
Weight | 7.3 oz. (7 in); 8.6 oz. (10 in) |
Blade Material | High carbon steel |
Handle Material | Plastic |
Body Length (when closed) | 9.5 inches (7 in); 12 inches (10 in) |
Overall Length (when open) | 16 inches (7 in); 21 inches (10 in) |