

Emergency Cereal Supply

An easy crowd pleaser, cereal is a staple in many of our diets, emergency or not. There is no cooking required, and both the cereal and the milk can be packed with plenty of calcium, fiber, and other essential nutrients. It’s food on the go by design.

You could go out and buy a box of Captain Crunch, or if you’re feeling a bit more health aware, cheerios. Either way, you seem to lose though. You either get healthy or tasty, and cardboard boxes generally don’t last that long (in preserving food of any kind).

On the other hand, we offer some of the best tasting and healthy cereals for food storage and everyday dieting. Options like honey almond granola and Harvest 6 Grain Cereal can be filling and healthy, and you can even try them out when it isn’t raining. Emergency food supply is great, but it’s always better if you store foods you actually like eating (and are still largely non-perishable).

For those milk nuts who have to have milk on their cereal, we provide Food for Health Whey Milk. Dehydrated, this whey milk mixes easily with water, doesn’t clump, and actually tastes like real milk. Best of all, you don’t lose any essential nutrients in the dehydrating or mixing process.

If you want something that is easy to prepare in a pinch, can be used all year round, pleases people of all ages, and is healthy too, we only sell the highest quality cereals. If you are looking for that extra nutrient kick, you can also try our freeze dried strawberries. You get all of the taste of strawberries for cereals or with other foods without worrying about when they will go bad on you.