Mini Stove
Brand: Near Zero Outdoor Gear
The Near Zero mini stove is ultralight (1.6 oz.), compact (1 x 1 x 2 inches), and foldable for the backcountry. This pocket canister stove system fits in the palm of your hand. Expand the serrated pot-support feet to securely hold various pot sizes.
- Adjustable control valve for fast maximum heat output after ignition; easily adjust from simmer to rolling boil
- High-speed rotating central flame evenly disperses heat, which can boil 2 cups of water in only 2 minutes
- Universal tread which fits widely available self-sealing isobutane-propane fuel canisters
- Fuel consumption of 0.3lb/h
- Includes clear hard case and small cloth sack for convenient and easy storage; use clear hard case for extra protection, or only the cloth bag for stowing in compact places
Technical Specs:
Best Use | Backpacking |
Weight | 1.6 oz. (47 g) |
Dimensions | 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 inches (folded) 2.7 x 3.1 inches (open) |
Flame Control | Adjustable |
Fuel Type | Butane/propane mix |
Materials | Stainless steel, aluminum & brass |
Maximum Energy Output | 2,800 watts |
Shipping Time: Orders processed and shipped within same day, or next business day of placement date. Shipped from Arizona. Delivered in 2-6 days with FREE GROUND SHIPPING on all orders over $99 that ship within the 48 contiguous United States. Additional shipping options available