These would be an ideal snack to bring on a camping trip or anywhere you want to bug out. These are crowd-pleasers for both children and adults alike. Unlike most emergency food, these bars do not need water or heat to activate, when made ahead. This recipe makes approximately a total of 4,745 calories (When using our PrepSOS products listed below), it could also be higher if you added fruit. These are calories per batch not per bar.
DIY Survival Bar Ingredients

- 3 tablespoons Water
- 1 cup Sugar
- 3 tablespoons Honey
- 2 1/2 cups of powdered milk
- 2 cups oats
- 3 oz. box of Jell-O (any flavor, do not use instant pudding Jell-O)
- 9”x13” pan
- Parchment paper or foil
- Mylar seal bags (Zip-loc would work fine as well, just won’t last as long)
This recipe uses some PrepSOS emergency food products but could be substituted with like items.
DIY Survival Bar Directions
STEP 1: Mix the dry ingredients: 1 cup sugar, 2 1/2 cups powdered milk, and 2 cups oats in a large bowl.

STEP 2: Combine 3 tablespoons honey, 3 tablespoons water, and 3 oz Jell-O box (we used strawberry!) into a pot. Bring to a rolling boil. This means the mixture continues to boil even after you stir.
STEP 3: Add the Jell-O mixture into the dry mixture, stir until incorporated. If the mixture is too dry after it has been fully mixed, add a teaspoon of water one at a time Typically you will have to add another 5 teaspoons to make the dough stick.
The dough should be crumbly but stick together when it is pressed.
STEP 4: Put the mixture into the 9”x13” pan, that is lined with parchment or with foil. Push the dough in thoroughly. Create a flat layer, you could press the dough by using a wooden roller (we used a small tubular glass vase.) Using a 9”x13” pan, this will help the bars be thick enough to actually stick together.
STEP 5: Using a knife, cut the bars all the way through. Bars not cut thoroughly will crumble and fall apart after baking.
STEP 6: Bake at 200 degrees for 2 hours.
Alternatively you Could Dehydrate the Bars Instead of Bake Them
As well as baking the bars you could dehydrate them. The drier they are, the better they store. After you press the dough thoroughly into the pan, take them out by using the parchment paper. Place in your dehydrator at 145 degrees for 4-6 hours.
The heat from the oven does make the bars stick together better; the dehydrated bars will crumble a bit more than the baked ones.

Packing Up and Storing
If you don’t plan to eat these bars right away it is important to store them correctly. When bars are done put them in a zip up bag, Mylar bags, or wrap in foil. These bars could last up to 20 years if properly stored and packaged (no guarantees!) Like most other emergency food products these should be stored in a dry, cool place. Freeze dry them if you'd to make them last even longer!

DIY Survival Bar Calories
- Oats: 760 calories (190 calories per 1/2 cup)
- Milk: 2,800 calories (1,120 calories per cup)
- Sugar: 720 calories (15 calories per Tsp.)
- Honey:135 calories (15 calories per Tsp)
- Jell-O Package: 330 calories per packet
- Blueberries: 45 calories per serving (1/2 cup per serving)
- Mangos: 70 calories per serving (1/2 cup per serving)
To this recipe you could also add nuts and dried fruit, this gives another source of protein and calories. Or just for a little extra flavor. Good additives could be dried fruit such as: raisins, dried mangos, apricots, blueberries or peaches. When these bars are stores properly, they could be good for up to 20 years. They would be a perfect addition to your emergency kits.
PrepSOS Product Links
Powdered Milk:
Mylar seal bags:
Freeze Dryer: