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Items to Stockpile for When Disaster Strikes

Items to Stockpile for When Disaster Strikes

We are constantly threatened by a series of potential disasters; hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters and we are never sure when one of these might strike, that is why it is a good idea to always have a backup plan. What you need is a list of items to stockpile for when disaster strikes so that you can immediately clear out or hunker down when necessary. A bug out kit or bag will essentially keep you alive for a few days or even weeks depending on how well and how much you have stockpiled.

Often some survivalists aka preppers try to prepare a bug out bag as an “escape and evasion” bag. Where they will use the kit as a grab and go bag that will be used if they are forced to make a run for it either into the forest or higher grounds such as mountains in order to avoid the danger. However they will not be able to survive because of the constant struggle of trying to safe or ration the items in their bug out bags. At one point, they will eventually run out of those supplies. So then the question of whether to bug out (grab your supplies and make a run for it) or hunker down (possibly retrieve in the basement of your own home or migrate to your bug out location) will arise. Which of the two is a better option will depend on the type of natural or manmade disaster you have to face. If there is a risk of a financial collapse rather than an earthquake, hunkering down will seem to be the sensible option. You don’t want to run away from the safety of your own home to a remote area where the risk of potential robbers and bandits might be huge. No. you need to retrieve to the basement of your own home or possibly even continue living in your own home which a much better option because the only way you are danger of is running out of supplies. And you can easily avoid this situation by stockpiling certain items months before the financial collapse happens.

Essentially you need to stockpile various assortments of items to ensure your survival. Many people struggle at this part because they do not know what exactly they need to start stocking in order to survive any sort of disaster but the good thing is the items that you need to stockpile are a lot similar to the items that you might find in a bug out bag because both strategies: bugging out and hunkering down, typically revolve around the same objective: survival.

So here is what you will need to stockpile on:


These tools can be found in bug out bags and they are easy to carry around in case you need to make a run for it

  • Gun ( usually a glock, because it has a good grip and can shoot within a reasonable range) & hunting gear.
  • Pocket knife
  • Gerber multi tool
  • Rope
  • Squash tape
  • Flashlights
  • Lighters
  • Magnesium fire starters
  • Tying, bindings and snaring
  • Kerosene lamps
  • Fire starters
  • Batteries
  • Whistle
  • Nail cutter
You also need a first aid kit to treat wounds, cuts and burns. Usually it takes time for professional help and rescuers alike to arrive at the scene and help out the victims so it is always a good idea to store a first aid kit inside your house and/or car. It is crucial for your first aid kit to be locked and kept in a cool, dry place out the sun and out of the reach of children who tend to meddle. First aid kits can be purchased as well as prepared. I would suggest you prepare one yourself because that way you will know what items to store according to your preference. Some necessary items that make up a first aid kit:

  • Small, medium and large sterile gauze dressings
  • Plasters in a variety of different shapes and sizes
  • At least two sterile eye dressings
  • Triangular bandages
  • Crepe rolled bandages ( roller bandages)
  • Safety pins
  • Disposable sterile gloves
  • Tweezers
  • Scissors preferably two of them
  • Alcohol- free cleansing wipes
  • Sticky tape
  • Thermo-memeter ( preferably digital)
  • Skin rash cream such as hydrocortisone or calendula
  • Cream or spray to relieve insect bites and stings
  • Antiseptic cream
  • Painkillers such paracetamol or infant paracetamol for children , aspirin ( not to be given to children under 16) or ibuprofen, Tylenol
  • Cough medicine such as Nicor or Daycor
  • Antihistamine tablets
  • Distilled water for cleaning wounds
  • Eye wash and eye bath
  • Disposable gloves
  • Face shields or packet masks
  • Alcohol gel
  • Survival blanket ( lighter and smaller than regular blanket)
  • And most importantly personal hygiene items such as a hand sanitizer

Of course you also need to stockpile on food for long term survival and water. Without these two essentials you will not be able to survive nor will you have the energy to carry out any tasks. If you have children that you need to make sure that the items you stockpile are convenient for them as well because children usually the ones below the age of 9 can be very picky because they are not able to comprehend the situation very well. You might want to store items such as cookies or sweets of the sort in a moderate temperature and out of their reach for when SHTF, food usually tends to calm children down and then you will be able to focus on more important tasks. The other food items should provide essential nutrients and be suitable for long storage of one year or more. It is advised that you replace your food items every year in order to avoid infections or deterioration. You should always check the expiry date before purchasing the food. Items to stockpile:

  • Water In Storage Containers
  • Water bottles
  • Life straws
  • Water filers
  • Cans of frozen vegetables , vegetable
  • Processed meat
  • Eggs
  • TVP textured vegetable protein
  • Cans of beans
  • Cereal
  • Coconut water
  • Bread
  • Fruit cans, fruit powders, dried fruit
  • Granola bars
  • Oatmeal
  • Protein powders
  • Sacks of rice dried
  • And other organic staples.
When you’re done collecting and stockpiling these items you are good to go!

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