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Bug Out Shelters

Bug Out Shelters


In the event of a major natural or manmade disaster, do you have a plan? Having a place to go to protect you and your family from the dangers that would follow the collapse of social order can save your lives in the future. The possible need for protective shelter and food storage created the idea of the bug out shelter. The term “bug out” basically refers to the escape of dangers in the event of social disorder. Knowing the basics of where and how to build your shelter are important to creating a successful one.

  • Choose your location:

Where you locate your shelter depends on your plans. If you intend to build your shelter, get a metal isbu storage container or other form of shelter, you will want to buy property in a rural area preferably in an area with some type of brush cover and/or camouflage. If you do not intend to buy property, finding a safe place that will be easy to relocate to will be important. Purchasing land to build on would be your best option (if possible) so that you can avoid intruding on another person’s land. Choosing a more rural location will also be in your best interest to protect you from others by the seclusion and camo of the surroundings. We live in UT and you don't have to go far to be in the complete wilderness.

  • What kind of shelter do you need:

The type of shelter you will need depends on the climate. If you have selected a location with harsh Winters, you may consider building a home or another insulated structure with a wood stove or fireplace if you wanted to brave someone seeing your smoke! This will not only keep you warmer, but will also allow you to store more food which will be important in the dry hunting months of a cold Winter.

  • What to pack:

Analyze the location of your shelter to determine what it will offer for necessities like emergency food storage and water, and pack what will not be provided in your go bag. You will also need to pack matches, flashlights, candles, sleeping bags, and other tools to help you see at night and stay warm.|

  • Consider water sources and nearby food:

Determining your source of food beforehand will be a great advantage. If you will have wildlife nearby that you can live off of, you may not need to pack as much in food storage. Also, if there is a natural source of water within proximity like a stream, you will have a reliable source of water. Make sure to educate yourself on techniques of water purification, such as filters, water purifying tablets, etc. Even if these resources are available, it would be wise to bring as many non perishable food items and water containers as possible. Begin stocking these in your shelter as soon it has been completed to avoid the need to transport them when you are relocating.

  • Medical care:

Having the right supplies to treat wounds and other ailments will be important as you will not be able to visit a physician to obtain health care. You will need to be self sufficient by packing a first aid kit that includes bandages, burn creams, Neosporin, and other key tools for keeping wounds clean to ward off infection.

  • Consider your communication sources:

Knowledge of what is going on in the outside world will be an important indication of your safety. Make sure to plan ahead with a radio or landline source, because the chances are that you will not have regular cell reception to communicate with loved ones or news sources.

These are just a few of the tips for building a successful bug out shelter. Finding your location in a safe and secluded area as soon as possible will be essential to your preparation. You can start by looking for property in rural areas in your state. These basic tips will guide you in your preparation, and from them you can build your preparation plan as you gain more knowledge of what the situation will call for.

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